Saturday, November 15, 2008

Palin and the Liberals

There were at least three more columns this week from prominent liberal columnists ridiculing Sarah Palin. The fact that they are still writing about her is revealing, and a positive sign for her potential impact in the future. But more than anything, the liberal narrative is a kind of proof statement for the accusations Republicans tried unsuccessfully to make during the campaign.
Those accusations center around the elitism that the liberal intelligentsia hold as a value.

Just as they feel morally superior for embracing global warming, supporting gay marriage, and valuing multiculturalism over meritocracy, they feel empowered to ridicule Palin for what amounts to her lack of liberal sophistication. She drops her g's at the end of words, speaking in the colloquial pattern of the area. Horrors! She hunts, which is absolutely unthinkable to the Left. Her faith in God is strong, and she is proud draw strength from it, another faux pas to the secular progressives. They are even trying to ridicule her for spending money on clothes. It should be obvious that any candidate for these incredibly important offices should package himself/herself as attractively as possible, making this a non-issue, but it again reveals the elitist attitude, because behind the headline is the sneer that her regular wardrobe must have been Wal-Mart high fashion, at best.
She's not one of them, that is true. What she is, is smart, confident, and attractive, all qualities that bug the Left. Especially that confidence part. How can she be so confident when she is such a rube, doesn't embrace the enlightened attitudes of the feminists, and doesn't feel guilty about hunting, praying, or looking so good?
She wasn't perfect in her first set of national interviews, so the Left has all they need to insult her intelligence. Obama says that we have 57 states, but nobody on the Left seems to notice. Hillary fabricates a mortar fire attack, and it gets brushed aside.
To all of you culturally superior beings on the Left- before you unleash your next attack on Gov Palin, you might want to assess how many Americans are closer to her profile, than to yours. She is a leader who embraces conservative principles (unlike McCain), and is willing to fight for them. All the snobbery the liberal elitists can manage isn't going to derail Sarah Palin.

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