Friday, October 31, 2008

Who Will Get the Blame?

When Obama is enthroned, and Congress empowered, who will get the blame for the damage they will wreak? Will they fall back on their tired lament of blaming Bush and the Republicans, or will they take responsibility?

I would like to see the answers they would give to that question now, before it all gets worse. The idea of increasing taxes to the most productive elements in a capitalist economy, so that you can write checks to distribute to a huge segment that is unproductive, turns our whole approach to society upside down. Providing a safety net to those less fortunate, either from birth or circumstances, is what most Americans support. I think the safety net should be generous and kind, but i also think it should be reserved for those who really need it.

The positive outcome of the welfare to work reform that the Republican Congress crafted, and Clinton signed, seemed to shock many Democrats, particularly liberals who were crying about how cruel it was. People challenged to find a place in society responded, and the increase in the number of self-reliant people was terrific. Not a surprise to most Americans.

But we are about to have a president who has always espoused a belief system that says capitalism is too rigid, and money needs to be taken from the rich (greedy bastards that they are) and given to the poor, regardless of the reason they are poor. Aided by the Pelosi/Reid team that would like nothing better than to stick it to Republicans, Obama will have an open field to implement policies that will harm business and the economy. If they work, I'll give him full credit, but when they don't work, will he take responsibility?

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