Tuesday, October 14, 2008

McCain has to be the most disappointing Republican candidate since Bob Dole. And that is no small feat. He is so busy scrambling to find an opening, and reacting to every turn in the road that he overlooks the real opportunity, which is to articulate how different the approaches are to governing between the candidates.
The significance of Wm Ayers isn't so much that he is a crazy old hippie who blew up things with bombs, but that he is an unrepentant marxist who somehow gained a powerful position in the inner sanctum of Chicago politics, and Obama aligned himself with him. Forget the terrorist stuff, what is far more important is what it reveals about Obama's politics. You could only be Ayers guy if he was completely comfotable that you were a marxist. It tells us just how far to the left Obama is. He was hand picked by Ayers to distribute a huge pot of money on schoolchildren in poor neighborhoods for programs that stressed not reading, writing and American History, but all the values that liberals are shoving down our throats in schools everywhere: multiculturalselfesteemism, or whatever they want to call it.
Move on to Rev Wright, and now the dots are connected and paint an even clearer picture of a guy who is ambivalent about traditional America. It is not possible to attend Wright's sermons for 20 years and not be fully aware of the anti-white bias that he spews. He is either a believer or a hupocrite. There's a question for Tom Brokaw. Which is it Senator Obama?
And McCain doesn't want to confront him? Because the Democrats say that's mean, or racist, or why? Obama's politics, and his practical experience are to the left of any major party candidate that has run for president, ever. This election should fall to Mccain by default, simply by exposing the extreme left wing ideology of Obama. McCain wants us to view him as a leader when he isn't even strong enough to take on the empty vessel that is sailing leftward towards the White House.