Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Palin and the Feminists

I was having lunch with a female friend the other day, and she blurted out, "I hate Sarah Palin." Her vehemence caught me offguard, but it certainly echoes feelings that are being expressed by lots of women these days. When I asked my friend why, the only reason she could come up with was the way Gov Palin spoke, dropping her g's, as in, hopin' and prayin'.
What is it that has all these women pissed off? Gov Palin is an example of an independent woman who has shown herself to be strong, capable and confident, with no indication she is anything other than an honest public servant. She has a fine family, shows an ability to balance her priorities, and looks great. Where's the problem?
For years the feminists told us this is exactly the kind of woman they were trying to be, if men just wouldn't hold them back. Bullshit. What the feminists really meant was they want all those things, as long as the woman was Liberal. What hypocrisy! They hate Palin but can't articulate why. What they hate is that she has all those qualities they pretend to want, but more. She doesn't whine about political correctness. She won't abort her baby, even when she knows it had Down Syndrome. She hunts because it was part of the way she was raised and she loved it. No apologies, no pretending that she was made to do it.
She has the guts to stand up for what she believes, the guts to take on the establishment in her home state, and the guts to go on Saturday Night Live knowing the Hollywood Lefties were going to try to skewer her. If the feminists had any guts of their own, they would be applauding the example that Sarah Palin is showing the country. Instead, the Joy Behar in all of them is being exposed, and that is most definitely ugly.

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